
Cage The Elephant – Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked

A little bit of grunge tied up with a little bit of an off-kilter delivery is the delightfully fun Ain’t No Rest For The Wicked by Cage The Elephant, from the band’s 2009 self-titled debut. Their web site bio bills them as slacker funk-punk which I’ve never heard referred to as a genre’, but hey, there seem to be sub-genre’s popping up all over the place these days. Let’s just call it interesting rock music and be done with it.

Cage The Elephant has a more recent full-length entitled Thank You Happy Birthday (January 2011), which is available from the store link on their web site along with their earlier release and is currently playing the eastern seaboard section of the country. Check them out if you are in one of their tour areas. You can find more information on Cage The Elephant from their MySpace and Facebook pages.