Mike Vitale – Coyote – House Concert Review
A few weeks ago, Vodka had the pleasure of hosting singer-songwriter-producer Mike Vitale for a house concert. The weather was blissfully moderate. Mike and the crowd were ready for what came next. It was a wonderful concert full of stories. Everyone enjoyed the food and the music. It ended all too soon.
Mike started the show off with the only song that wasn’t an original, Peter Gabriel’s Sledgehammer, complete with extensive looping pedal work. It was a phenomenal opener, but just the tip of the iceberg for what was to follow. Mike sprinkled the set list with songs from his first LP, PHI (September 2021) including Running Away From Home, which had the crowd laughing, and Kathy’s Song, with the sad story accompanying how the song came about, which brought on reverse emotions. There was the country rocker (or Americana meets pop-rock) Home, with a message about where home is and how it is tied to the people we love:
“Home ain’t a place
But the prettiest face
To ease my woes and wear
Home ain’t a destination
Unless I know
That I’ll find you there”

Throughout the evening, Mike plucked songs from his catalog, adding in his latest works, such as Coyote (seen/heard here), part of his second LP. He’s releasing a track per week from the new LP to try and build up buzz about it when it comes out in full. There’s no way to place Mike’s music in any one category. He’s capable of singing a country song but makes it feel not so country. He can turn out a rocker with the best of them. He can weave a sad song and story that will have you on the edge of your seat (Kathy’s Song) and without missing a beat, will perk you up again (Drunk on Your Mystique). There’s a lot to love about Mike Vitale!
You can find more information on Mike by visiting his very well-designed website. Everything is there, including links to his tour schedule, Patreon, social networks, store, and streaming links. You can pick up Mike Vitale’s first LP, PHI, on his bandcamp.com site and store. There are plenty of singles there too, so pick up early copies of those before they become part of the new LP. If you can, catch Mike while he is on the road because that is the absolute best way to experience the intimacy of the music that Mike brings.
Pick up Mike Vitale’s music now!
Thank you for having me Steven, and for being so kind as to share the night as a review. It means a great deal to me and I am thankful