
Charming Disaster – Ghost Story

You may remember Charming Disaster from a few months back, and the review of I Know You Know. So what is a video track from 2013 from Charming Disaster doing here now then? Well, the duo is raising money for their next long-player and currently has a Kickstarter campaign going on. So if you love their tongue-in-cheek songs of ghosts, goblins, murder, and mayhem, then you should head up to the site and give these two musical pranksters some funds for the next masterpiece!

Ghost Story was obviously released on video back prior to the wonderful 2015 long-player, Love, Crime and Other Trouble was the lead-off track on that LP. 

So head to the Kickstarter page and give the duo some love and while you’re at it, head up to their site and pick up some here-and-now Disaster tunes!