
Ebony Buckle – You’re Loved

You may remember Ebony Buckle from Vodka’s review of Ghost a few months back. Well, Buckle has returned to bring us the hope we all crave in these crazy times. With enough bad news to depress even the most optimistic person, Ebony Buckle is the voice of our salvation. Enter, You’re Loved, a testament to you, whoever you are, to let you know that someone loves you and you are not alone. It’s also a plea to love yourself. 

The music is great, but the vocals from Buckle are what sets this song apart. That voice is incredible! It should come as no surprise that Ebony has degrees in opera as well as musical theatre. 

With constant collaborator and spouse, Nick Burns, the music created here soars to match the optimism of the lyrics. Buckle’s delivery starts out as a prayer, softly introducing the concept of self-love, then builds with each verse and refrain to a triumphant declaration. You almost feel the urge to raise a fist in the air and declare yourself a winner!

Since the release of Ghost, Ebony Buckle’s website has undergone something of a transformation, placing You’re Loved in the primary light with the colorful image of Buckle superimposed. As before, everything you need is here, though a biography separate from the press section would seem an appropriate addition. There are still no purchase options, but according to the Patreon link on the website, that is going to change. That is excellent news! Since for now, there is no direct purchase option for Buckle’s music, you may want to consider joining her Patreon to support the artist and get all of the benefits that come with that membership. 

Note: With Covid-19 still around, probably to be with us for some time, artists like Ebony Buckle and many others need your purchases to keep their heads above water. If your situation allows it, consider purchasing more in these tough times. –Vodka