
Eliza Rickman – Start With Goodbye, Stop With Hello

Eliza Rickman’s provocative new video Start With Goodbye, Stop With Hello, from her 2012 long player, O You Sinners, is both dark and fun. It is a look into the complexities of ms. Rickman as well. Eliza has a beautiful voice and an enviable range. It can ring bell-like from above, or delve into a throaty alto. Like her voice, her music and message are full-ranged as well.

As the video for Start With Goodbye, Stop With Hello hints, tracks from O You Sinners strike both a religious and secular balance. Songs can be both religiously themed and hedged with the darkness that is in each of us. Musically, Eliza Rickman provides infinite textural beauty to her music. It can come in the form of a toy piano or a grand piano. Throughout O You Sinners,  percussion is mostly missing, making only brief appearances here and there. Ms. Rickman instead uses other instruments, including the toy piano, to provide a percussion-like rhythm, or uses her voice to create the same. 

If you are among those who have not been exposed to Eliza Rickman, then it is high time that you change all that! You can find more information by visiting her web site, and you can pick up all of her music by visiting her site. Check out this amazing artist now!