
Lonely Drifter Karen – Three Colors Red

I know, I know!  You’re saying: “Steve, you just posted for Lonely Drifter Karen a couple of days ago!” Yes, I know. I’m fully aware that I’m repeating myself. Here’s the deal: After listening to a couple more tracks from the band, I don’t think I was totally fair in my assessment. I’m finding the band compelling to listen to. Take this track, Three Colors Red, which channels a little Jefferson Airplane along with today’s alt-pop sounds, as an example. The band turns out to be very inventive on repeated listens to multiple tracks. In fact, Poles, the long-player that Three Colors Red and the previously reviewed, Comet, come from, is on my purchase queue.

Check out Lonely Drifter Karen now! You can find out more about the dream-pop of Lonely Drifter Karen by visiting their Facebook and MySpace pages or check out their label page