
Music Views for May

Blog posts are all ready for May

May’s posts are all in the can, and there is a decidedly heavy bent towards Folk, Bluegrass and Americana this time out.  It was purely an accidental happenstance. Music discovery sometimes takes you in the same direction for awhile. If you believe that you aren’t into those types of music, all I can say is give these tracks a chance.  

Purchases this last cycle

Like most people, I have a limited music purchasing budget.  I mean hey, you’ve gotta eat, right?  In April, I picked up Snarky Puppy and Vintage Trouble among a couple of other grabs that have not as yet made the blog.  Keep watching and listening.

Elgin Park on a whim

The family and I like to turntable ( from time to time just to chat and see what we are all listening to.  It’s a fun way to revisit old bands and explore some new band tracks too.  One of my son’s posted an old Elgin Park track, a great pop-rock band from early 2000 (I think) that I picked up at that time through a purchase on the long defunct  I was curious to see if this band still existed, and while I can find nothing new, the old CD sans a couple of tracks, is available on Check that out!  Now, lets roll on into Summer and the May offerings. Thanks for listening and drop me a line or follow me, I’d love to hear from you.