Kensal Road – House Of The Rising Sun (cover)
Note: Video no longer exists.
My thanks to fellow blogger, follower and bass player, Nicholas Krolak for getting me to peruse his site and finding this awesome full-on Jazz cover of House of the Rising Sun by jazz troupe Kensal Road. Would that all great songs had a great video to go with it, but in this case it is simply a static picture of the album jacket. Still, it is so worthy of a re-blog, that I wanted to include it. here. Tenor Sax work is from the expressive, Art Themen with rhythmical bass line provided by Nicholas himself. On the Piano is Frank Giasullo and the drumming of Pat Tamminen keeps the beat throughout. A great cover!
You can purchase this track or the CD, Kensal Road, from CD Baby. And give Nicholas (link above) a shout-out on his blog for the awesome bass playing on this track!