Roskamala – Chameleon
Songwriter and creator, Roskamala, says that Chameleon (seen/heard here) is:
“…is the most deeply intense song I have ever written. I wrote it when I was questioning whether the life I had was meant for me, imagining what life would be like if I was truly free, physically & spiritually. This song is about the inner war to be free. You find yourself in the most unhappy place, unsure of how you got there or how to begin the fight.”
The video takes you through physical and mental spousal abuse issues, which does a good job of adding intensity to the emotions that Roskamala wants to convey. Performed beautifully by singer Courtney Knott, Chameleon describes how putting on a positive face, doesn’t always mean that the surface emotion is reflecting what lies beneath.
Musically, Chameleon is pure beauty, which stands diametrically in opposition to the subject matter. Swooping orchestral pop is the setting for Courtney Knott’s emotional vocals which sell the song. Lyrically, the song is poetry, such as this bit of the refrain:
“So love me. Or Leave me.
I’m a little bit of everybody
I don’t want to be somebody
I am me but who are we?
I’m mistaken identity
A chameleon tries to be free.”
Chameleon is from Roskamala’s latest EP truth she told (April 20, 2023). Of the EP, Roskamala says:
“We all have our own stories to tell of good times and bad times. We tend to focus too much on the bad times, but one thing I believe in is hope. You will find this in every one of my songs if you have the right attitude and learn from our shared experiences. Life can be tough but we all have the power to make it better and create a wonderful future.”
To create a wonderful future for ourselves and everyone around us is a wonderful sentiment that we should all aspire to.

You can find more information on Roskamala by heading up to her website. Everything is there, including available social links, music streaming and purchase links, other videos, and a nice bio. It took a bit to load here on a fast Internet connection, though that may have been just a temporary hiccup.
Look for truth she told on streaming and purchase platforms now!