Tag: best of vodka 2012

Courtney Barnett – Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go To The Party

     Courtney Barnett is a brilliant indie-rocker that has appeared here many times in the past. In March 2015, she released her first full-length long-player, Sometimes I sit and think, and Sometimes I just sit, after several equally dazzling EP and single releases going back to 2012. We have highlighted all of those releases along the way. Nobody Really Cares If You Don’t Go To The Party is just one more example of the delightful rock that comes from the mind of…

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Michael Kiwanuka – Always Waiting

 Astute readers of this blog will recognize Michael Kiwanuka from the post back in June of 2012 for I’m Getting Ready. That track also landed him in the list for Best Of Vodka 2012, which lists in no particular order some of the finest tracks of 2012’s posts. From that prayerful touching video over a year ago, to this one from November 2012, Michael Kiwanuka continues to inspire with his music.  Always Waiting is a musical story about the devastating affects of Alzheimer disease….

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Barnaby Saints – Over And Over

 You may remember Barnaby Saints from Bones that was posted here about 10 months ago. That track also made the Best Of Vodka 2012 list of the 40 best tracks for 2012. Shortly after the release of their 6 song EP, Barnaby Saints also released this single (June 2012 available via i-Tunes and bandcamp.com). Over And Over may not have the sheer commanding presence of Bones, but is another great offering from a band that should be getting more wide-spread attention.  If you…

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Courtney Barnett – Scotty Says

 Back in December (2012), I reviewed the fun-loving Courtney Barnett’s single, History Eraser. It’s no accident that this song made the Best of Vodka 2012 list in January. Courtney combines elements of blues-rock with alt-pop to create a totally unique sound used extensively in her music creation. Case in point is Courtney’s Scotty Says from her April 2012 EP, I’ve Got A Friend Called Emily Ferris. Courtney Barnett knows how to weave humor seamlessly into her songs. More importantly, these songs are…

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Best of Vodka 2012

It’s hard to believe that the year is over and my goal to keep this blog going and updated has worked far better than I would have imagined back in January 2012. I couldn’t have done it without your feedback-your “likes” and “reblogs” were very much appreciated. Let’s face it though, the blog could not happen at all without the music. So here’s to all of the music that made it into A Little More Vodka, A Little Less Milk in 2012. A few of you have discovered this blog late and just couldn’t visualize going back and checking out all…

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