The Corner Laughers – The Accepted Time
Long-time Vodka readers may remember The Corner Laughers from a couple of previous posts starting more than 7 years ago. If not, know that this band has a real talent for capturing a retro-style of feel-good pop-folk Their style is delightful and accessible no matter what era you are from. Enter The Accepted Time (seen/heard here), from the band’s latest long-player, Temescal Telegraph (June 5, 2020), a finely crafted piece of pop genius.
When you hear The Corner Laughers for the first time, you might think you are listening to a classic piece of pop music that you just never heard before. They capture the style of forever ago pop, tapping into a late 60′s early 70′s ethos that graces each creation. Yet the creative elements that the band brings are all about sprucing up and modernizing that retro sound in a way that makes it fresh and new again. It’s a worthy skill that many have emulated and few have accomplished. The Accepted Time, and The Corner Laughers in general really, is an example of that successful blending. The Accepted Time weaves a family-friendly lyric into a retro-pop jangle melody with a minor key shift that is beautiful, and just what we all need right now.
The Corner Laughers don’t have a real and true website, the domain instead connects directly to their store. Finding information on the band takes a little digging, although you can find some info on their Facebook About page. You can also connect with the band via their Facebook or Twitter sites.
If you have not as yet added any of The Corner Laughers’ music to your library, now is the time! Pick up the new long-player or any of their back catalog now and enjoy a trip back in time.
Note: With Covid-19 still around, probably to be with us for some time, artists like The Corner Laughers and many others need your purchases to keep their heads above water. If your situation allows it, consider purchasing more in these tough times. –Vodka