
Lydian Collective – Out Of The Woods

     One of the best jazz fusion groups of all time, at least in Vodka’s opinion, is Lydian Collective. Their latest single Out Of The Woods (heard here), builds on the formula that this group has mastered: joyful, accessible jazz, played with a passion fitting the devotion that the individual members dedicate to it. It’s a winning formula, driven home by the commercial and critical success that Lydian Collective has amassed since jumping into the music scene with Adventure in March 2018.  That, of course, isn’t the whole picture,…

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Emily Barker – Machine

     Vodka has long been a fan of folk singer and songwriter, Emily Barker. Emily’s latest single, Machine, from A Dark Murmuration Of Words (September 4, 2020), and now available as a two-version single, is one of many triumphs from the long player. A Dark Murmuration of Words is one of the most socially conscious records of 2020, and Machine is just one example of that.  What’s the point of a great folk song with a powerful message if it is so ho-hum that you don’t want to hear it again?  There’s…

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Vinok – elephant girl

     Want something meaningful in your rock music? Then you will find it in Vinok, a Ukrainian-American indie-rock band that focuses on social justice, and has the pedigree in co-founder, lead vocalist, and keyboardist, Nathalie, to sell it. Nathalie has worked as a mental health professional with those who have experienced severe abuse. Don’t expect this to be some sort of soft-speak delivery to coax you to hear the message. No, Vinok makes their point with a hammer, pounding home the injustices facing so many. Skeptical? Well take a listen…

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Waiting For Smith – Lost In Your Light

     This isn’t the first appearance of Waiting For Smith this year, and there’s a reason for that: The music that Harry Lloyd creates is beautiful, hopeful and melody-driven. Enter Lost In Your Light, yet another single from this amazing singer-songwriter that will make you thankful that he exists and hopeful that he will release a long player sometime in the near future! Lost In Your Light digs into the fears we all possess and says: You are not alone! The lyrics here paint a picture of…

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Ebony Buckle – You’re Loved

     You may remember Ebony Buckle from Vodka’s review of Ghost a few months back. Well, Buckle has returned to bring us the hope we all crave in these crazy times. With enough bad news to depress even the most optimistic person, Ebony Buckle is the voice of our salvation. Enter, You’re Loved, a testament to you, whoever you are, to let you know that someone loves you and you are not alone. It’s also a plea to love yourself.  The music is great, but the vocals from Buckle are…

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