Ann King – It Comes and Goes
The beautiful soulful voice of Ann King begs to be listened to. Bright and clear, she sings with an earnestness that is instantaneously infectious. Combining pop chops with R&B leanings, It Comes and Goes (seen/heard here) tells the story of searching for, and not yet finding, your own personal happy ending:
“But I’ve heard that the bluebird sings
Somewhere upon a hill
Where the sound of music rings
And the rainbow rises still
I’ve heard the tales a million times
For they change me still
Haven’t found my happy ending yet
But someday I will”
Somehow we are all searching for a “happy ending”; while that can be elusive, we can find little moments of success in our journey to get there. It is about that journey, honestly, not the achievement. In fact, it would be a pretty boring life if we were instantly successful in that endeavor.
It Comes and Goes is a single, released first part of August 2022. Ann also has two EPs available, Fake Flowers (April 2020), and the more recent, Fiercely (October 2021). Each is a fine collection of pop sprinkled with a bit of soul mastery. It Comes and Goes simply reinforces the impact that Ann King should have on the world of music. This is great stuff!
You can find more information on Ann King by heading up to her website, which includes a nice biography. There’s a huge problem with the website, however. The Amazon link that is posted redirects back to the artist’s website and if you search Amazon, you’ll come up empty. In addition, the Bandcamp link also fails, simply redirecting to Bandcamp’s home page, as does the iTunes link. A search on these also turns up empty for Ann. In fact, the only working links I could find are the Spotify, Youtube, Soundcloud, and Instagram links. What does work is the “Buy” link next to the Fiercely EP. This takes you to Apple Music, which also has more of her music available. Even worse than having no links to content, is having links that don’t advance the artists’ marketing efforts. If there is not, and will not soon, be content available on Amazon or Bandcamp, these two links should be removed. The iTunes link should be replaced with links that point to Apple Music where relevant.
Website negatives aside, Ann King deserves to be heard. What a beautiful voice! If you are an Apple music fan, pick up her music, or stream from any of the streaming platforms (that work) mentioned above.