
Arielle Silver – Headlights

Two months ago, Vodka reviewed the awesome Americana-tinged folk-pop of Arielle Silver’s What Really Matters. The video for Headlights (seen/heard here),  Arielle’s latest single from her forthcoming long-player, A Thousand Tiny Torches, was just released to the public today, and it is another example of a great song and sentiment from this artist. This is very much like folk-pop circa the 1970′s and has the feel-good elements that were so prevalent back then. 

Lyrically, Silver hits again, painting the feeling of what it’s like to look back on your life and wishing you could “rehearse” it in reverse so that you could learn from your mistakes. Still, there’s no going back, Silver realizes, instead you must follow the headlights, look forward to the life that is. No sense in crying over spilled milk, missed opportunities, or things that you would have changed if you’d had a chance to revisit them.  That’s as spot-on a message as What Really Matters was and that’s saying something!

You can find more information on Arielle Silver by heading up to her nicely formatted website. All of the social links you require are there along with purchase links and more. A Thousand Tiny Torches is due for release in one month (June 26, 2020) so watch for that on Arielle’s site. Pre-orders are available now, and while you’re up there, pick up the rest of Arielle’s available catalog!

If you have yet to do so, check out this amazing artist! Do it!  Do it now!