
Mike Daly & The Planets – This Is My Life

     What happens when you are not only faced with a global pandemic and the health issues associated with that, but with a life-threatening disease on top of it? Do you give up or give in? Not in the case of Mike Daly, frontman for Mike Daly & The Planets, a rock band with decided classic-rock edges. Mike has recurring cancer of the lymphatic system, which means that he is doubly at risk during the pandemic. A while back, Mike had an awakening of sorts,…

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Fox and Bones – Already Here

     Fox and Bones continue to surprise with blues-infused rock gem Already Here (Music in Modern Times) (video released May 29, 2020) about what it’s like today to try and make music. Essentially, the moral of the story is that you’d better love what you’re doing because it ain’t glorious or easy folks: “You want to play music in modern times? Well here’s some hints to help you make up your mind I’s gonna take your money, it’ll take all of your pride And if you’re lucky, you’ll play out enough to barely…

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Raye Zaragoza – Fight Like A Girl

     If you are a woman, what should the world’s expectation for you be? What should they think you are capable of? The answer is anything and everything and Raye Zaragoza plants that message firmly in the new and delightful folk-pop single, Fight Like A Girl (seen/heard here). The video samples video and stills of women demonstrating their abilities to do what is needed and is a rock-solid statement of new feminist activism in an age of resurgent oppression.  The message is loud and clear: Women are…

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The Corner Laughers – The Accepted Time

     Long-time Vodka readers may remember The Corner Laughers from a couple of previous posts starting more than 7 years ago. If not, know that this band has a real talent for capturing a retro-style of feel-good pop-folk Their style is delightful and accessible no matter what era you are from. Enter The Accepted Time (seen/heard here), from the band’s latest long-player, Temescal Telegraph (June 5, 2020), a finely crafted piece of pop genius. When you hear The Corner Laughers for the first time, you might think you…

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Ebony Buckle – Ghost

     How would you feel if you were kept from the person that you loved for 2 years? Hopeless? Helpless? Lost? As it turns out, it’s all of those things and more. Ebony Buckle’s latest single Ghost (seen/heard here) is an autobiographical tale of just such a journey. Fighting to renew her visa after her marriage to husband Nick Burns, whom she co-wrote Ghost with over Skype, the two were kept apart and forced into a kind of limbo where their lives could not move forward, plans could not be…

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