WESSON – Made Me Happy
It’s got a little bit of Weezer flavoring, but Wesson’s feel-good rocker, Made Me Happy (seen/heard here) is very much their own song and a whole lot of indie-rock fun!
Wesson is based in Milton Keynes, UK, and is led by singer/songwriter Chris Wesson. The four-piece includes Jimmy (guitar), Callum (bass), and Dale (drums). That’s correct, nowhere in their promotional or online documents do they give up the last names of the remaining bandmates, at least, nowhere that Vodka could find them. The band has a nice tight sound, Chris’ songwriting is full of melodic hooks, and the harmonies here are great. Plus, the music will keep you moving too!
Made Me Happy is weaved out of personal life experiences. Think of this as reminiscing of sorts, a look back at events that conjure up memories of the past. In your own lives, you probably look back on some of your own experiences and think about them, perhaps wondering what if, or simply smiling at the memory. Chris said this about the song, “I believe that everyone has a unique perspective to every situation and we try to tap into that, to create a distinctive experience for every listener.” The sentiment succeeds!

You can find more information on Wesson by heading up to their website, which admittedly is a little sparse. Keep your eyes on that space, though, and things may change. I’m always happy when a band has a website, even if it is just a placeholder for the rest of their links. What is missing here is a biography, but I’m hopeful that this will be added in the future. The site does have links to their social and streaming sites, as well as photos, tour schedules, reviews, and videos. Wesson is just getting a nice start, so watch for more gigs and singles coming up throughout 2023.