
Big Big Train – Telling The Bees

Telling The Bees is from Big Big Train’s last long-player, Folklore (May 2016), and is the final track on that great LP. Vodka has been a huge fan of Big Big Train since we discovered them, which unfortunately took us a while. To give you a sense of their impact on Vodka, here are links dating back to 2013:

Make Some Noise (October 2013 review)

Wassail (July 2015 review)

Folklore (May 2016 review)

Big Big Train’s brand of progressive rock is sometimes soaring and anthemic, such as Make Some Noise, or more introspective and thoughtful, such as Telling The Bees. Musically, it is always outstanding. 

It is fitting that this book-end video should be posted now, as the band’s newest long-player, Grimspound is due out at the end of this month. Keep an eye on the group’s website and site for that release. You can pre-order the high-resolution digital audio version of Grimspound from that link right now.

If you still have no Big Big Train music in your collection, it’s time to change that right now!