
Birdeatsbaby – Spiders

I don’t now exactly how to categorize Birdeatsbaby. They are an amalgam of pop, rock, alternative that is very intriguing. Their new July 2014 long-player, The Bullet Within,  is full of sweet yet dark tales. Sometimes they are mid-tempo rockers (Enemies Like Me) or slow tempo pop (Drinking in the Day, Ghosts). These tunes are full of strings and great vocals and harmonies. Like Spiders (video), nearly every tune is a minor key vignette full of darkness and beauty. 

You can find more information on Birdeatsbaby by visiting their very complete web site, or slip on up to their bandcamp link for a very complete collection of Birdeatsbaby music dating back to 2008. 

Check out this very interesting alternative troupe today and consider a purchase of some beautiful-if dark-music!