Heart.Beats.Mind – Let Go
Note: The original video no longer exists. Vodka found this audio-only version to replace it:
Full of positive energy and young optimism, Heart.Beats.Mind is a duo with a strong pop sensibility, clever song-craft, and great two-part harmonies. Their three-song mini EP, Let Go, (August 2014) is out now on bandcamp.com and what it lacks in length, is made up by sheer will and talent. The duo shares lead vocal roles with Jordan Millar taking lead here on the title track, Let Go, and the duo alternating lead vocal duties on Over For Me.
This is country/pop in the same vein as other duos like Flagship Romance or The Civil Wars, though it does not compare musically to either. Heart.Beats.Mind are a force of their own, and that is as it should be.
It’s too early to tell if this Australian duo can make it in the music business, but they’ve already made it in my eyes. You can find more information on Heart.Beats.Mind by heading on up to their website, or hit the aforementioned bandcamp.com site for the new EP. Check out this great duo now!