Louise L’Amour – Desert Bird
Update: The video for this track is no more.
I’ll be honest, I’m not sure if I like the video for Desert Bird from one of Spring’s Skull alter egos Louise L’Amour, but I love the music. Retro literally oozes from the pores of this song. The website describes the six-song EP, Cowgirl Slop Pop (February 2013), where Desert Bird is from as “loosely influenced by Ennio Morricone’s ‘Once Upon A Time in the West’ soundtrack, 1960′s surf, pop, and girl groups, ‘Gunslinger’ era Bo Diddley, and vocal music” which I can definitely hear.
There is little information to be found on the website and no more to be found googling Louise L’Amour or Spring’s Skull. So your only way to find out anything much about the band (?), is to go purchase a copy of one of the offerings from bandcamp.com.
If Spring’s Skull (a.k.a. Louise L’Amour) is a mystery, then it is a happy mystery. Who knows maybe one day there will be information available. One thing we do know is that Spring’s Skull hails from Brantford, Ontario. Give Cowgirl Slop Pop a listen and consider a name-your-price purchase from bandcamp.com.