
Moonlight Jones – Whatcha Doin’ To Me

Vodka has had this track in the queue for a while, trying to put the right words to it. Sometimes you just don’t get the inspiration you need when you need it! That said, it’s time that this track made it as a post. For those of you with young children that might be hovering over your shoulder, Vodka warns you that you might not want them watching. Think of the content here as PG-13. 

Funky, sexy, dance groove-laden, Whatcha Doin’ To Me (seen/heard here) from Moonlight Jones, covers no new ground and isn’t a deep dive into any subject, but boy is it a fun track!  It’s all about an obsession with a girl that is turning your mind inside out. 

Moonlight Jones is the moniker for singer-songwriter Jeff Agia. It’s a fun name to go along with the fun music he creates. A self-taught guitarist, Moonlight Jones has traveled to many places around the world to immerse himself in the musical influences he admires. He moved to Spain for a time to find out more about flamenco guitar. He’s also traveled to Cuba, Columbia, and Puerto Rico to discover as much about the musical styles in those localities as he could.  The result is a style of music dubbed by Jones as “Cosmic Soul”, which blends Latin, R&B, Blues, and Rock. Whatever you call it, it works! With an Egyptian father and a Czech heritage American mother, Moonlight Jones was exposed to a wide variety of music and musical styles, which influenced his own thirst for diversity in his music. 

Moonlight Jones
Moonlight Jones

You can find more information on Moonlight Jones by visiting his excellently designed, but lacking,  website. It has every category needed even though the “Music” link has but one addition and the “Merch” link is missing any merchandise or purchase options for his music. In addition, “Events” and “Contact” both link to the contact page. These oversights need to be addressed to properly market Jones’ music, but for now, Vodka will give him a pass, just based on the quality of Whatcha Doin’ To Me. The social links do link to his current social sites, however.

With an eclectic but cohesive musical style, Moonlight Jones has a formula that should land him in the musical spotlight. Watch for this great artist and purchase or stream his songs when they become available!