Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp – Slide
Vodka strives to bring you music that is new and interesting. Sometimes we succeed and sometimes we simply find good music that fits within known genres. Enter Swiss troupe, Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp (OTP) which is not only interesting, but hypnotic and wonderful.
On Slide from the group’s upcoming (April 2014) EP, Rotorotor, instrumentation starts out simple with tuned cymbals, and gradually adds in simple rhythms, marimba, violin, trombone, upright bass and an instrument that looks, at least, like a Japanese shamisen. Vocals are handled by violinist Liz Moscarola.
Slide is the type of song that you could easily dismiss early, but listening to this song all the way through commands re-listening. I’ve listened to the track at least three times while writing this review. The track is full of simple nuanced textures that wrap around your brain. You hear them, but it is like a dream you just can’t quite remember-you want more details.
OTP Is more of a project than a band, with personnel changing frequently. Formed in 2006, OTP’s first long-player was self-titled and released in 2007. The groups second long-player, The Thing That Everything Else Is About, followed up in 2011.
You can find more information on Orchestre Tout Puissant Marcel Duchamp by checking out their Facebook page. You can pick up the aforementioned long-players by visiting the group’s bandcamp.com site. Check out this very interesting and intriguing group of musicians now, and consider a purchase of one of their long-players while you wait for April’s EP.