Sam Forrest – Young Pretenders
If you think that folk-pop laced psychedelic music is a thing of the past, think again. Enter Sam Forrest, whose brand of music incorporates all three, with some indie rock thrown in for good measure. Take Young Pretenders, for instance, from Sam Forrest’s latest (March 2012) long-player, The Edge Of Nowhere. The fuzzy red-hued video lends itself well to the minor key music and vocals provided by Mr. Forrest’s compositions. It doesn’t conjure up a pot smoke filled room so much as a few glasses of wine on a sun-baked balcony, but you still get the relaxing warmth.
You can find more information on Sam Forrest by visiting his all-inclusive web site (Good job Sam, for making sure everything is in one place and that everything basically links to everything else). The only thing I wish is that his site had purchase options, but that’s a small thing. Check out Sam Forrest and kick back with a glass of wine!